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(Available in Paperback and eBook)Let's face it—life can be tough. Questions concerning God’s plan for your life can be overwhelming. Doubt and fear often show up as unwelcome companions. Maybe you’ve even wondered if there is a miracle reserved with your name on it somewhere. Secretly, you might be wondering . . . does God even hear your prayers?
Pray Big is a persevering story of a prayer journey testifying that God Almighty not only cares about our challenging and seemingly hopeless situations, but that He longs to communicate with us and to help us discover the path to victory!
When it feels like all the odds are stacked against you and there is nowhere else to go—there is hope. If you long for God’s favor and His life-changing power to take you to new heights, this book is for you. As you journey through the pages and implement the practical spiritual applications woven throughout the book, you will find peace, comfort and strength for the days ahead.
Expect great things from God as you Pray Big!
- Donna Jackson
- Elder James Black
- Dr. Philip Samaan
- Kelly Mowrer
- Ruthie Jacobsen
- Ron E. M. Clouzet, DMin
A gripping and transparent story of a young woman’s journey of hope, failure, growth and healing amidst seemingly insurmountable odds. Cindy dots her account with the ‘personalized,’ magnificent Scriptural promises that were foundational for her tenacious journey and gives credit to her friends and family from various faith-communities that supported and nurtured her. For Rick to give permission for the release of this story is a testimony to his spiritual depth and his commitment to helping others facing such challenges. Having known Cindy and Rick Mercer for almost a decade, I can truly say that it is an extraordinary experience to have them wrap you in their peace and joy-filled intercessory embrace. You sense that God is close.
Donna Jackson
Assoc. Ministerial Director for Ministerial Spouses
North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists
Cindy Mercer had to be totally engulfed in God’s anointing to meticulously share her family’s incredible journey with God. “So Much More…” defines the essence of intercessory prayer while at the same time capturing God’s plan for those whom He calls. This book gave me far beyond what I was expecting. If there is anyone doubting God’s hearing and answering their prayers or doubting God’s plan for their life, I strongly recommend reading and sharing this masterpiece of a story.
Elder James Black
North American Division Chaplain and Prayer Ministries Coordinator
The message of this book issues forth from a heart that sheds personal tears in the night but exudes the joy of the Lord in the morning. It skillfully interweaves the inspirational and the transformational aspects of life’s setbacks and comebacks. It is indeed a recommended read for those who desire to experience the God who is eager to do more abundantly than one can imagine.
Dr. Philip Samaan
Professor-School of Religion-Southern Adventist University
Cindy shares a fascinating story about real life and real answers that help connect us to God. She wrestles honestly with hard questions about prayer, forgiveness and deliverance. She shows us the power of grace to meet our doubts and pain, and the transforming prayer that flows when we surrender to God the dreams of our heart to do whatever He wills. I know firsthand the blessing of Rick and Cindy Mercer’s friendship and ministry. They bring practical hope in the promises of God.
Kelly Mowrer, Founder, Live at the Well Ministries
If you are searching for ways to energize or re-energize your spiritual journey there are a couple of folks I want you to meet. Rick and Cindy Mercer have a story to tell that is true, candid and at times raw. They describe their jagged journey and the power they didn't know existed that got them through it. You'll find both hope and tools as you walk beside two young people who were very lost, but who ended up very found. If you or someone you love needs to discover how to have a transformational journey over a road that isn't always smooth, you'll find courage here. The narrative is well told and when you finish it you just may be singing, "He's All I Need..."
Ruthie Jacobsen
Former NAD Prayer Ministries Director
Cindy Mercer has written a wonderful testimony of tragedy and ultimate redemption by the miraculous and steady work of God. Many will probably relate to aspects of this story and long to have the tangible delivery she and her husband experienced. If you read this book your faith in God will increase. If you meditate on its lessons you will experience a growing desire for more of God in your life. If you embrace the message of this book your prayer life will change.
Ron E. M. Clouzet, DMin
Director, Ministerial Association/Chaplaincy
Northern Asia-Pacific Division
Freedom in Forgiveness!
Have you ever struggled with forgiveness? Is so, you are not alone. Click on the image below to read an article that gives a sneak peak into a journey of overcoming this delicate topic.

Enjoy a Fresh New Start with Forgiveness!

Rick was a former CPA and poultry farmer who was living a life of fast parties, alcohol, drugs and lust. Unknown to Rick, his wife Cindy was being called to pray and fast for her husband rather than walk away from the marriage. Over a seven year period, Cindy prayed persistently, refusing to give up on the promises of God found in Hebrews 7:25, "Wherefore, He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them." And God worked a miracle in their life! You will be encouraged as you journey through their story. They will take you from a marriage once destined to be destroyed and then share how they found purpose in their pain. The Mercer's greatest passion is sharing the power of prayer which is the main ingredient for enriching marriages and relationships. They will share with you how to gain victory and break the bond that Satan has on our families.
Rick Mercer is a pastor serving in the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference. His enthusiastic dedication to the God of the Bible is contagious! He finds joy now in a new life of proclaiming the eternal truths of the Bible. Cindy is a Registered Nurse and works beside her husband in full time ministry.
Rick and Cindy find tremendous joy in sharing with others what God has and continues to do in their life today. They are actively involved in a variety of ministries which include prayer, addiction counseling, marriage restoration, men, women and youth. Cindy and Rick can be contacted for more info through this website or contacting them through Facebook.